Complementary Therapist (Stepps only)
Qualifications: Complementary and Wellness TherapiesÂ
National Qualification Level 6
Regulatory Body: Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council CNHC06741 (accredited by the Professional Standards Authority for Health & Social Care)
Location: Stepps Wednesday evening, Thursday AM/PM, Friday AM/PM, Saturday AM/PM
Claire believes passionately about the benefits of self-care and wellbeing. Claire connects easily with people, building trust and an understanding that allows her to identify your concerns and help
meet your needs. She believes complementary therapy can have a positive impact on your health and wellbeing.
Claire offers a range of therapies including Body Massage, Thai Foot Massage, Facial Massage, Reflexology,
Seated Acupressure and Aromatherapy Massage. The therapies can contribute to the reduction in physical stress by easing joint pain and muscle fatigue. It can increase nutrients and oxygen to enhance your body systems including digestion,
cardiovascular, lymphatic and respiratory.
Your therapy is offered in a safe and relaxing environment that will enhance your overall wellness and engender a sense of revival as well as helping to reduce stress and anxiety.
To arrange a booking, Claire can be contacted via her website – www.alittlewellness.co.uk or email